
lebanese cuisine

mediterranean salad with sumac tahini dressing

by Jackie Newgent  |  November 18, 2019  |  1 Comment
This fall I have had the pleasure to have Leah Kern as my dietetic intern. She loves story-telling about food—and she has quite an adventurous eating style. Her default meals have a Mediterranean flair. So, I asked her to create a seasonal Mediterranean-style recipe for you. (Check out her instagram page for food and stories @foodfor_thought_.) She created this awesome salad that I’ll be sure to be making often. Here’s her story about the delightful salad—and the recipe!
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red rice & beet stuffed grape leaves

by Jackie Newgent  |  September 30, 2019  |  1 Comment
One of my favorite childhood memories is picking fresh grape leaves with my mom. And one of my all-time favorite foods is stuffed grape leaves. It’s definitely my kind of comfort food. While my Lebanese mother made grapes leaves exactly the same way every time … by taste and feel, not by recipe … I like to go rogue from time to time. That’s what I did here. I guess you can say I actually went rather rouge! Instead of a traditional plant-based version, I used red rice and snuck in some beets. Though nothing will ever replace classic stuffed grape leaves, this is definitely a fun one to serve up!
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