

power greens, papaya, and black bean taco salad bowl

by Jackie Newgent  |  April 22, 2016  |  2 Comments
It’s April 22. Happy Earth Day, my fellow earthlings! There’s no more appropriate way to celebrate than with a bowlful of 100% plant-based goodness, right? This recipe is full of deliciousness, too. In honor of this eco-inspired day, as well the Recipe Redux theme-of-the-month (“Limpin’ Along for Lunch”), I bring you this super filling, superfood-style salad. But here’s a noteworthy tip: If your body isn’t used to getting plenty of fiber, you might actually want to first try a half serving of this recipe to start—so your digestive system doesn’t “freak out!” Either way, this scrumptious bowl will definitely help you break out of a lunchtime rut. Cheers to your palate and the planet! Calories saved: 330 Why it’s better...
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vegan charred asparagus pasta salad

by Jackie Newgent  |  April 3, 2016  |  2 Comments
When asparagus is in season, you betcha I’m going to find a way to eat it in every way possible! Though I crave the springy green veggie in a creamy pasta, like fettuccine alfredo, that’s obviously not so calorie- or heart-friendly. This recipe is my better-for-you answer to an asparagus-pasta combination. I’ve gone the pasta salad route since it’s more seasonal to be served with the warmer weather to come. You can use your favorite pasta pick; I’ve chosen an organic red lentil rotini here since it’s super healthy! Plus I wanted an option to serve to my gluten-free friends. But best of all, I’ve grilled the asparagus for that extra special smoky flavor and crave-worthiness! Enjoy this Meatless Monday-style...
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hipster hemp vegan sandwich

by Jackie Newgent  |  March 28, 2016  |  1 Comment
When ordering a vegetarian sandwich while dining out, quite often the main ingredient in it is cheese … or even three cheeses! That can certainly make it delicious. But if you’re anything like me, one of the reasons to choose a vegetarian sandwich is for fresh plant-based ingredients and a burst of healthfulness. But how do you get enough protein? Here’s my super simple (and tasty!) handmade pick that’s got a nice punch of protein. Since I live in the middle of Williamsburg, Brooklyn (aka “hipsterville”), I thought this vegan sandwich was deserving of a “hipster” title. That’s where it was brought to life, after all! It starts with seeded whole grain bread that you can enjoy fresh or grilled....
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blanco huevos rancheros

by Jackie Newgent  |  November 12, 2015  |  0 Comments
My newest cookbook, The All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook, 2nd edition, is here … perfect timing for American Diabetes Month! Each recipe in the book is ideal to be enjoyed by people with diabetes, prediabetes, heart health issues, or simply looking to improve their diet. Click here for more about it. I can’t wait for you to take a taste! Enjoy this “sneak peek” recipe to get your day started right: Blanco Huevos Rancheros. This version is an egg whites-only dish since yolks are not always included in certain diets for people with diabetes. Plus, using all egg whites here helps me to keep this recipe calorie-friendly while including other tasty, nutritious, yet rich ingredients, such as avocado and cheese. It’s a...
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